Presentation Guidelines
Paper Presentations
Paper Presentations are individual research presentations of a similar theme or topic that are grouped together into a session that runs concurrently with other sessions. All parallel sessions will be 1.5 hours long, with four presentations. Each paper will be allocated 20 minutes, with 15 minutes for presentation followed by 5 minutes for Q&A. By the end of the session, there will be 10 additional minutes for general questions related to all four presentations.
Unless a Chairperson is specified, the first presenter of each parallel session will serve as the Chairperson for the session. The Chairperson is expected to keep time and introduce each presenter and also assist in the facilitation of the Q&A sessions. Presenters can come to their venue ahead of time to load their presentation slides onto the computer. There will be a Student Helper in each room to assist with technicalities.
Paper Symposiums are a cohesive cluster of research presentations and theoretical perspectives focused on a specific topic. All symposium sessions will be 1.5 hours long, with 3-4 presentations. A suggested format is for the Chair to briefly present the theme of the symposium first (5 minutes). Then, each paper will be allocated 15-20 minutes, depending on the number of papers. Finally, the Discussant (otherwise, the Chair) will provide an overview to elaborate on the various presentations and set aside 10-15 minutes to engage the audience in discussion. Please noted that this is just a suggested format. There is flexibility for the contributors of each symposium to decide on the structure and time allocation for their session. The Chair is encouraged to contact the various presenters to discuss the details.
Poster Presentations
Posters are individual, free-standing research presentations. Posters should be presented in an appropriate format (i.e., use of graphics and visuals, appropriately sized text) that enables the presenter to explain the material and engage with interested audience.
Each poster occupies one 1.2m tall x 1.8m wide poster board. Posters of sizes 36” x 48” or 42” x 56” will fit the board.
The poster(s) should include the title, authors' names, and affiliations.
The poster(s) must be printed out by the author(s) and brought to the poster presentation site.
Each poster will be assigned a code. The poster codes will be posted on the display boards. Poster presenters should mount their poster(s) on the display board before the poster presentation session.
Poster presenters are expected to be present and available to discuss their poster content with interested participants during their assigned poster session (tentatively 1 to 1.5 hours).
Displayed posters should be removed at the end of the poster presentation session.